A list of the most used linux commands
- ls - list directory contents
- ps - list processes
- cd - change directory
- mkdir - create directory
- touch - create file
- man - get information about a command
- rm - remove file or directory
- rmdir - remove empty direcotyr
- echo - print message to terminal
- ssh - connect to a computer via a secure protocol
- time - measure time duration a command takes to complete
- service - manage (start/stop/restart) services
- vim - powerfull text editor
- uptime - check for how long a system has been running and load
- uname - get system/kernel information
- top/htop - realtime task manager
- useradd - create user account
- passwd - manage account password
- chown - change file/direcotry owner
- chmod - change file/directory permissions
- ipconfig - view network information
- ip - view/edit network information; supersedes multiple legacy applications
- systemctl - manage processes on OSes that use Systemd
- netstat - view information about ports and tcp/udp connections
- ss - view information about ports and tcp/udp connections; replaces netstat
- tail - view the last 10 rows of a file
- head - view the first 10 rows of a file
- df - view filesystem information
- du - view space usage info per file/directory
- sudo - "super user do" run command with root permissions
- su - switch user